2025 CPT code 11772
Effective Date: N/A Surgery - Integumentary System Feed
Excision of a complicated pilonidal cyst or sinus.
Modifiers may be applicable to indicate specific circumstances, such as increased procedural services (22), multiple procedures (51), or reduced services (52).
Medical necessity is established by the presence of a symptomatic pilonidal cyst that has failed conservative treatment or presents with complications like infection or recurrence.
In simple words: This procedure removes a complicated pilonidal cyst, a skin infection near the tailbone. The surgeon removes the infected tissue and may close the wound with stitches, a skin graft, or leave it open to heal naturally.
This procedure involves the complete surgical removal of a pilonidal cyst or sinus that is considered complex due to factors such as multiple tracts, severe infection, or recurrence. It involves excising the cyst, draining any pus, removing hair, and debriding infected tissue. The wound may be closed using various methods, including sutures, skin grafts, or leaving it open to heal by secondary intention. Local anesthesia is typically used.
Example 1: A patient presents with a recurrent pilonidal cyst with multiple sinus tracts. The surgeon performs an excision of the cyst and surrounding infected tissue (11772)., A patient with a severely infected pilonidal cyst undergoes surgical excision, which requires extensive debridement and a Z-plasty closure (11772)., A patient has a pilonidal cyst that extends deep into the subcutaneous tissue. The surgeon performs a complex excision, and the resulting wound is left open to heal by secondary intention (11772).
Documentation should include the location and size of the cyst, the presence of infection or sinus tracts, the complexity of the excision, the method of wound closure, and any intraoperative complications. Photographs may be helpful.
- Specialties:General Surgery, Colorectal Surgery, Plastic Surgery
- Place of Service:Office, Ambulatory Surgical Center, Outpatient Hospital, Inpatient Hospital (if required for complex cases)