2025 CPT code 11901
(Active) Effective Date: N/A Surgery - Surgical Procedures on the Integumentary System Feed
Intralesional injection of a corticosteroid for more than 7 lesions.
Modifiers may be applicable. Modifier 51 (Multiple Procedures) is used if more than one distinct procedure is performed during the same encounter.Modifier 59 (Distinct Procedural Service) may be necessary if 11901 is performed along with another procedure on the same lesion, to clarify that these are distinct services.
Medical necessity for 11901 must be supported by documentation indicating that the lesions being treated caused pain, impaired function, or posed a cosmetic concern that did not respond to more conservative measures. Number of lesions, size of lesions, patient's symptoms and prior treatments must be documented for justification.
The physician performs the intralesional injection, selecting the appropriate corticosteroid and ensuring accurate administration into each lesion.
In simple words: A corticosteroid injection is administered directly into more than seven skin lesions to treat various skin conditions like keloids or large nodules.
This code describes an intralesional injection of a corticosteroid, such as triamcinolone acetonide, for treatment of large nodules, keloids, lichenified hyperkeratotic lesions, and numerous other conditions. The physician inserts a 25– or 30–gauge needle into the lesion and injects the drug. The needle is removed once the tissue expands and fills with the fluid. This code is used for more than 7 lesions.
Example 1: A patient presents with eight keloids on the back. The physician injects a corticosteroid into each lesion., A patient has more than seven cystic acne lesions. The physician performs intralesional injections of a corticosteroid in each lesion to reduce inflammation., A patient with psoriasis has multiple plaques. The physician uses intralesional corticosteroid injections in more than seven of the lesions.
Documentation should specify the number of lesions treated (more than 7), the location of each lesion, the type of lesion (e.g., keloid, nodule, cyst), the specific corticosteroid used, and the total amount injected. Photographs before and after may be helpful. Documentation of medical necessity including the failed conservative treatments is crucial.
** The drug injected, like Kenalog or Aristocort, is usually billed separately with appropriate J codes, HCPCS code. The revenue code for minor procedures on the skin is P6A
- Specialties:Dermatology, Plastic Surgery, Podiatry
- Place of Service:Office, Outpatient Hospital, Ambulatory Surgical Center