2025 CPT code 22854
(Active) Effective Date: N/A Revision Date: N/A Surgery - Spinal Instrumentation Procedures Musculoskeletal System Feed
Insertion of intervertebral biomechanical device(s) (e.g., synthetic cage, mesh) with integral anterior instrumentation for device anchoring (e.g., screws, flanges), when performed, to vertebral corpectomy defect(s), in conjunction with interbody arthrodesis; each contiguous defect.
Modifier 59 may be appended if additional anterior instrumentation, unrelated to anchoring the device, is performed. Other modifiers may be applicable depending on the circumstances of the procedure.Always consult the official CPT manual and payer-specific instructions.
The medical necessity for a corpectomy and the subsequent insertion of a biomechanical device is determined by the underlying condition requiring the procedure (e.g., tumor, trauma, severe spondylolisthesis).Documentation must support the need for surgical intervention and the appropriateness of using the device.
The surgeon exposes the vertebral corpectomy defect, inserts the biomechanical device(s), secures the device(s) with any integral or additional instrumentation, and completes the interbody arthrodesis procedure.
In simple words: This code describes a surgery where the doctor puts a special device (like a metal cage) into the spine to fill a space left after removing part or all of a vertebra (a bone in the spine). This is done during a spinal fusion to help keep the vertebrae stable and in place.The device may have parts that help attach it to the vertebrae. The doctor may use separate codes for additional parts of the procedure if needed.
This CPT code reports the insertion of one or more biomechanical devices (such as synthetic cages or mesh) into a vertebral corpectomy defect (a defect resulting from partial or complete removal of a vertebral body).The procedure is performed in conjunction with spinal interbody arthrodesis (fusion of vertebrae).The devices may have integral anterior instrumentation (screws or flanges) for anchoring.The code is reported separately, in addition to the primary procedure code, for each contiguous defect treated. Integral anterior instrumentation, when performed, is included in the code and should not be reported separately unless additional instrumentation unrelated to anchoring the device is used.
Example 1: A patient with a burst fracture of L1 undergoes a corpectomy of L1 followed by L1-L2 anterior interbody fusion.Code 22854 is reported in addition to the corpectomy and arthrodesis codes, as the cage is inserted into the corpectomy defect., A patient presents with a spinal tumor that necessitates corpectomy of T6 and a subsequent T5-T7 fusion. A biomechanical device is inserted into the corpectomy defect to maintain intervertebral space.22854 is used to report the device insertion, along with the codes for the corpectomy and fusion., A patient undergoes a revision surgery of a previously performed anterior cervical discectomy and fusion.During this revision, a corpectomy of C5 is performed along with insertion of a cage to fill the defect.This would be coded with 22854 along with appropriate revision codes for the discectomy and fusion.
Operative report detailing the corpectomy, the insertion of the biomechanical device(s), the type of device(s) used, and the number of contiguous defects treated.Preoperative and postoperative imaging (X-rays, CT scans) demonstrating the defect and the placement of the device(s).Anesthesia records.Physician's notes justifying medical necessity.
** Always refer to the most current CPT manual and NCCI edits for accurate coding and reimbursement guidelines. Payer-specific policies may vary.
- RVU: This information is not included in provided text.Refer to CMS guidelines and payer-specific reimbursement rates for RVU values and payment information.
- Global Days: The global period for this procedure is determined by the primary procedure code it is bundled with.Refer to the global surgical package days associated with the primary procedure.
- Payment Status: Active
- Modifier TC rule: Not applicable. This code does not involve a technical component.
- Fee Schedule: This information is not available from the provided text. Check your local payer's fee schedules for historical data.
- Specialties:Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery
- Place of Service:Inpatient Hospital, Ambulatory Surgical Center