2025 CPT code 92640
Effective Date: N/A Medicine - Special Otorhinolaryngologic Services and Procedures Feed
Diagnostic analysis with programming of auditory brainstem implant, per hour.
Modifiers may be applicable. Modifier 52 may be used for reduced services, modifier 76 for repeat procedures by the same physician, and modifier 77 for repeat procedures by another physician. Other modifiers may also apply depending on the specific circumstances of the service.
Medical necessity should be established by documenting the patient's hearing loss, the need for an auditory brainstem implant, and the rationale for programming the device to optimize auditory function.
The physician performs the fitting, programming, and testing of the auditory brainstem implant. They connect the device to a computer, take measurements to determine appropriate stimulation levels, evaluate and select stimulation patterns, and assess electrode responses. The physician also performs auditory sensation tests, checks for side effects, determines MCL, and establishes thresholds. The final program is then stored in the external speech processor.
In simple words: This procedure involves programming and adjusting a hearing device implanted in the brainstem. The doctor connects the implant to a computer and runs tests to find the best settings for the patient's hearing. It can take several hours, and each hour is billed separately. Any additional services provided at the same time, like heart monitoring, are billed with different codes.
This code represents the diagnostic analysis and programming of an auditory brainstem implant (ABI). It involves fitting, connecting, programming, and testing the implant using a computer. Measurements are taken to determine appropriate stimulation levels for hearing restoration. The process includes evaluating and selecting stimulation patterns, measuring electrode responses, performing auditory sensation tests, checking for side effects, establishing mean comfortable loudness (MCL), and determining thresholds. The generated program is stored in the speech processor. This code is reported for each hour of the service. Non-programming services, such as cardiac monitoring, are reported separately.
Example 1: A patient with profound hearing loss receives an auditory brainstem implant. Following a suitable postoperative period, the physician performs the initial programming of the ABI, a process that takes three hours. Code 92640 is reported three times., A patient with neurofibromatosis type 2 undergoes surgery for removal of an acoustic neuroma, resulting in complete hearing loss. An auditory brainstem implant is placed, and the physician subsequently programs the device in a two-hour session. Code 92640 is reported twice. , A child with congenital hearing loss receives an auditory brainstem implant. The physician performs the initial programming and analysis, which lasts one hour. During this session, cardiac monitoring is also necessary due to the child's medical history, and this service is billed separately. Code 92640 is reported once.
Documentation should include details of the programming session, including date, time spent, measurements taken (electrode responses, MCL, threshold), stimulation patterns selected, and any side effects observed. A report summarizing the programming process and the final program settings stored in the speech processor should also be included.
- Revenue Code: T2D (OTHER TESTS - OTHER)
- Specialties:Otolaryngology, Neurotology, Audiology
- Place of Service:Office, Outpatient Hospital, Ambulatory Surgical Center