2025 HCPCS code A2008
Theragenesis, per square centimeter
Medical necessity for Theragenesis should be supported by documentation of the wound, its etiology, and the rationale for using this specific product.
The provider applies this product to wounds like ulcers, surgical wounds, or trauma wounds to assist healing. The code is reported for each square centimeter used.
In simple words: This code covers the cost of a special wound dressing called Theragenesis. It's made from pig tendon and silicone and helps wounds heal. The price is based on the size of the dressing used, specifically how many square centimeters.
Supply of Theragenesis, a wound dressing derived from porcine tendon and silicone. It aids in wound management by providing a matrix to support cell growth. It has a porcine tendon-derived layer and a silicone film layer with an adhesive mesh. Reported per square centimeter of the product used.
Example 1: A patient with a diabetic foot ulcer measuring 4cm x 4cm receives Theragenesis. The code is reported 16 times (4x4=16)., A patient with a post-surgical wound measuring 2cm x 3cm receives Theragenesis. The code is reported 6 times (2x3=6)., A burn patient with multiple wounds totaling 10 square centimeters receives Theragenesis. The code is reported 10 times.
Documentation should include the size of the wound(s) treated in square centimeters, and the total number of square centimeters of Theragenesis used.
- Payment Status: Active
- Place of Service:Office, Home, Inpatient Hospital, On Campus-Outpatient Hospital, Off Campus-Outpatient Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, Nursing Facility, Hospice, Military Treatment Facility and other places of service where wound care is provided.