2025 HCPCS code B5100
Parenteral nutrition solution, compounded amino acid and carbohydrates with electrolytes, trace elements, and vitamins, including preparation, any strength, hepatic–hepatamine–premix.
Modifier AE (Registered dietician) may apply. Other modifiers related to parenteral/enteral nutrition administration might also be applicable depending on the specific circumstances.
Medicare covers parenteral nutrition for hepatic failure when documented as medically necessary.
A parenteral nutrition solution supplies nutrients intravenously for a patient whose digestive tract does not function properly.A special formula is necessary for patients with special nutritional deficiencies or metabolic diseases, such as liver failure.The dosage of the solution given depends upon the severity of the patient’s condition. The parenteral solution can be given either through a central vein or a peripheral vein.
In simple words: This code represents a pre-mixed nutritional solution given through an IV to patients with liver disease. It contains essential nutrients like proteins, sugars, and vitamins, specifically formulated for those with liver problems.
This code covers a premix parenteral nutrition solution of any strength for a patient with liver disease that consists of compounded amino acids and carbohydrates, with electrolytes, trace elements, and vitamins, such as HepatAmine®. This code includes preparation.
Example 1: A patient with end-stage liver disease requiring total parenteral nutrition due to an inability to process nutrients orally., A patient with acute liver failure experiencing malnutrition and requiring short-term parenteral nutrition support., A patient pre- or post-liver transplant receiving parenteral nutrition to optimize nutritional status.
Documentation should support the medical necessity of parenteral nutrition, including the patient's liver condition, inability to obtain adequate nutrition orally, and the type and amount of solution administered.
- Specialties:Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Critical Care, Nutrition
- Place of Service:Inpatient Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility, Home, Outpatient Hospital