2025 HCPCS code BA
Item furnished in conjunction with parenteral enteral nutrition (PEN) services.
The medical necessity of the item or service must be supported by the documentation of the patient's condition and the need for parenteral enteral nutrition.
In simple words: The code BA is added to a medical bill when a piece of equipment is used during intravenous feeding.
This modifier is used to represent an item or service furnished in conjunction with parenteral enteral nutrition (PEN) services.It is reported for items that are used with parenteral nutrition services. For example, an IV pole used with parenteral nutrition and reported with code E0776 would have the BA modifier appended.
Example 1: A patient receiving parenteral nutrition requires an IV pole (E0776) for the administration of the nutrients. The BA modifier is appended to E0776 to indicate that the IV pole is used in conjunction with the PEN services., A patient receiving enteral nutrition requires a feeding pump (B9002) to administer the formula. Modifier BA is appended to the feeding pump code to denote its use with PEN services., A patient on parenteral nutrition requires additional tubing or supplies specific to the administration of the nutrition. The BA modifier can be used with these HCPCS codes (e.g., A4918) to signify their usage within the context of PEN services.
Documentation should clearly indicate the item or service provided and its direct relationship to the parenteral enteral nutrition service being furnished.
** It is important to note that the BA modifier should not be used with the HCPCS codes for the actual PEN solutions or administration services themselves, but rather with ancillary items or services used in conjunction with those codes.
- Specialties:Nutrition, General Surgery, Gastroenterology
- Place of Service:Inpatient Hospital, Home, Skilled Nursing Facility, Nursing Facility