2025 ICD-10-CM code Y92.154
(Active) Effective Date: N/A Revision Date: N/A Deletion Date: N/A External causes of morbidity - Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity classified elsewhere Chapter 20: External causes of morbidity and mortality Feed
Indicates that the external cause of injury or other adverse effect occurred in the driveway of a reform school.
Medical necessity is determined by the nature and severity of the injury or condition resulting from the event in the reform school's driveway, necessitating the services rendered for diagnosis and treatment.
The clinical responsibility lies with the healthcare provider treating the patient's injuries or condition resulting from the incident.This code is used for reporting purposes and does not independently determine any clinical action.
- Chapter 20: External causes of morbidity and mortality
- Y92.154 is part of the Y92 code block which describes the place of occurrence of the external cause, specifically institutional (non-private) residences.
In simple words: This code tells doctors and hospitals that the accident or injury happened in the driveway of a reform school.It's added to another code that explains what type of injury or problem occurred.
This ICD-10-CM code, Y92.154, specifies the place of occurrence of an external cause as the driveway of a reform school.It is a supplementary code and should always be used in addition to a code from another chapter that describes the nature of the injury or adverse effect itself (most often from Chapter 19: Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes). This code provides additional context regarding the location where the event took place, aiding in epidemiological studies and analysis of injury patterns.
Example 1: A student at a reform school is injured in a car accident in the driveway while attempting to leave the premises. The appropriate injury codes (Chapter 19) would be used alongside Y92.154., A staff member at a reform school slips and falls on ice in the driveway during winter, resulting in a fracture.The fracture code and this location code would be used together., A visitor to a reform school is struck by a vehicle in the driveway while on school property.Injury codes reflecting the nature of the injuries and this code would be reported.
Detailed documentation should include the date, time, and location of the event; a description of the event and resulting injuries or conditions; the patient's age, gender, and relevant medical history; and any witness statements.
** This code is crucial for public health surveillance and tracking of injuries occurring in specific locations.The use of this supplemental code facilitates analysis of injury patterns and risk factors associated with reform school environments.
- Payment Status: Active
- Specialties:Emergency Medicine, Orthopedics, General Surgery, depending on the nature of the injury or illness
- Place of Service:The place of service will depend on the setting of care provided to the injured individual after the incident (e.g., Emergency Room - Hospital, Office, etc.).