2025 CPT code 95700
(Active) Effective Date: N/A Medicine - Neurology and Neuromuscular Procedures Feed
Electroencephalogram (EEG) continuous recording, with video when performed, setup, patient education, and takedown when performed, administered in person by EEG technologist, minimum of 8 channels.
Modifiers may be applicable. Modifier 52 may be used for reduced services.
Medical necessity for this code is determined by the clinical indication for the EEG monitoring, such as evaluation of seizures, sleep disorders, or other neurological conditions.
The EEG technologist prepares the supplies and equipment, attaches at least 8 electrodes to the patient's scalp using the 10/20 system, and educates the patient about the procedure. They also manage the recording process, including video recording if performed.
In simple words: This is a brain wave test (EEG) done by a technician. It includes setting up the equipment, explaining the test to you, and removing the equipment afterward. A video recording may also be made. This test is used to study brain activity for a longer time period and requires at least 8 sensors.
This code represents a long-term continuous EEG/VEEG recording service that includes setup, takedown (when performed), and patient/caregiver education by an EEG technologist. It requires a minimum of eight channels for the EEG setup.Video recording is included if performed. The setup must be performed in person by the EEG technologist.
Example 1: A patient with suspected epilepsy undergoes long-term EEG monitoring to capture seizure activity., A critically ill patient receives continuous EEG monitoring to detect any adverse changes in brain function., A patient undergoing evaluation for epilepsy surgery undergoes long-term EEG monitoring with video to pinpoint the seizure focus.
Documentation should include the date of service, the total recording time, whether video was used, and any relevant clinical information about the patient's condition.
** Recording time is when the recording is underway and diagnostic EEG data is being collected. Recording time excludes set up and take down time. If diagnostic EEG recording is disrupted, recording time stops until diagnostic EEG recording is resumed.
- Modifier TC rule: This code represents the technical component.
- Specialties:Neurology, Epileptology, Critical Care Medicine
- Place of Service:Inpatient Hospital, Outpatient Hospital, Skilled Nursing Facility