2025 HCPCS code FB
Modifier FB is used when an item/device is provided at no cost or when full credit is received for a replaced device (e.g., covered under warranty, replaced due to defect, free samples).
Medical necessity for the underlying procedure must still be established. Modifier FB simply indicates the financial arrangement for the device itself.
The provider is responsible for ensuring the appropriate use of modifier FB and for documenting the circumstances justifying its application.
In simple words: Modifier FB is used when a medical device is replaced for free, for example if it is under warranty or the provider gets full credit for the cost.
Modifier FB identifies the replacement of an implanted item or device with a device for which the provider incurs no cost or when the provider replaces an implanted device with a device for which they receive a full credit for the cost of the replaced device. This modifier may also apply when a provider obtains associated diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals at no cost. It should be appended to the surgical procedure code, not the item code.
Example 1: A patient undergoes surgery to replace a defective implanted pacemaker. The manufacturer provides the replacement pacemaker at no cost to the facility. Modifier FB is appended to the surgical procedure code., A patient receives an implantable defibrillator that is still under warranty. The device malfunctions, and the facility replaces it with a new one at no cost. Modifier FB is appended to the surgical procedure code., During a nuclear medicine procedure, the facility receives the diagnostic radiopharmaceutical at no cost from the supplier. Modifier FB is appended to the nuclear medicine procedure code.
Documentation should support the reason for the free or fully credited device, such as documentation of a warranty or manufacturer's replacement policy, or a credit invoice.
- Payment Status: Active
- Specialties:Modifier FB is applicable to various surgical specialties as well as to those utilizing nuclear medicine procedures where radiopharmaceuticals are used.
- Place of Service:Ambulatory Surgical Center