2025 ICD-10-CM code L20.8
(Active) Effective Date: N/A Dermatitis and eczema - Atopic dermatitis Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (L00-L99) Feed
Other atopic dermatitis. This excludes circumscribed neurodermatitis (L28.0).
The medical necessity for using this code is based on the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis that is not better classified by a more specific code within the L20 category. The documentation must support the diagnosis of atopic dermatitis.
Clinicians are responsible for accurately documenting the type, location, severity, and any associated symptoms of the atopic dermatitis to support the use of this code.
In simple words: This code refers to a type of eczema that is not specifically described by other, more detailed codes.
Other atopic dermatitis.This code represents atopic dermatitis that is not otherwise specified, such as flexural eczema, infantile eczema, or intrinsic eczema. It excludes circumscribed neurodermatitis (L28.0).
Example 1: A 5-year-old patient presents with dry, itchy patches on their elbows and knees, consistent with atopic dermatitis, but without specific characteristics of infantile or flexural eczema. L20.8 would be appropriate., A 30-year-old patient has a history of atopic dermatitis and presents with a new flare-up on their hands.The eczema is not flexural and not related to a specific allergen. L20.8 is used., An adult patient with chronic eczema experiences an exacerbation affecting a large area of their body. The eczema does not fit neatly into any of the specific L20.8 subcategories.L20.8 would be appropriate.
Documentation should include the location and morphology of the skin lesions, the presence of pruritus, and any associated symptoms or triggers. If a specific type of atopic dermatitis can be identified, a more specific code should be used.
** For accurate coding, providers should always consult the latest ICD-10-CM coding guidelines and utilize more specific codes when available.
- Specialties:Dermatology, Allergy/Immunology, Family Medicine, Pediatrics
- Place of Service:Office, Outpatient Hospital, Inpatient Hospital,Telehealth Provided in Patient’s Home, Telehealth Provided Other than in Patient’s Home