2025 ICD-10-CM code Y92.10
(Active) Effective Date: N/A Revision Date: N/A Deletion Date: N/A External causes of morbidity - Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity classified elsewhere Chapter 20: External causes of morbidity and mortality Feed
Unspecified residential institution as the place of occurrence of an external cause.
The medical necessity is established by the underlying injury or illness and not by the location code (Y92.10). Documentation supporting the medical necessity of treating the injury or illness is required.
This code does not directly describe a clinical responsibility.It is used by coders to provide additional context regarding the location of an event leading to a medical condition. The physician's responsibility is to document the injury or illness and the location where it occurred.
- Chapter 20: External causes of morbidity and mortality
- Y92.10 falls under the broader category of Y92 (Place of occurrence of the external cause) within Chapter 20 (External causes of morbidity and mortality).
In simple words: This code tells where an accident or injury happened: in an unspecified type of residential facility (like a nursing home, group home, or other similar place).It is used along with a code that describes the actual injury or illness.
This ICD-10-CM code classifies the location where an external cause of injury or other adverse effect occurred.It specifies an unspecified residential institution as the place of occurrence.This code is always used as a secondary code, in addition to a code from another chapter that identifies the nature of the injury or condition.
Example 1: A patient sustains a fall in an unspecified residential care facility, resulting in a fracture.The coder would use a code from Chapter 19 (Injury, poisoning, and certain other consequences of external causes) to describe the fracture and Y92.10 to indicate the location of the fall., A patient experiences an allergic reaction to medication administered in a residential treatment center.The coder would use a code from Chapter I-XVIII to describe the allergic reaction and Y92.10 to specify the location where the reaction occurred., An assault occurs within an unspecified type of residential facility leading to injuries. The coder uses codes from Chapter 19 to describe the injuries and Y92.10 to note the location of the assault.
Proper documentation must include a clear description of the injury or illness, along with the specific location within the residential institution, if known. If the exact type of facility is known, a more specific code from Y92.11-Y92.19 should be used.
** This code is part of a supplementary classification and is not meant to be used as a primary code.Always ensure proper documentation to justify the use of this code, particularly when selecting the most specific Y92 code available.
- Payment Status: Active
- Specialties:All specialties that treat patients in residential facilities might use this code, depending on the nature of the event and injury.
- Place of Service:Unspecified residential institution