2025 ICD-10-CM code Y92.63
(Active) Effective Date: N/A External causes of morbidity - Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity classified elsewhere 20 Feed
Factory as the place of occurrence of the external cause.
This code is used to provide additional information about the circumstances of the injury or illness. It's not a primary diagnosis code and does not indicate medical necessity on its own. Medical necessity is determined by the primary diagnosis code(s).
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- External causes of morbidity (V00-Y99)Supplementary factors related to causes of morbidity classified elsewhere (Y90-Y99)Place of occurrence of the external cause (Y92)Industrial and construction area (Y92.6)Factory (Y92.63)
In simple words: The injury or other health issue happened at a factory.
The incident/accident occurred in a factory setting. This includes the factory building, premises, and industrial yard.
Example 1: A worker breaks their arm while operating machinery on a factory floor. The code Y92.63 would be used as a secondary code to describe the location of the incident., An employee inhales toxic fumes while working with chemicals in a factory, requiring medical attention. Code Y92.63 should be added after the codes of the main injury/health problems. , A factory worker slips and falls in the industrial yard, sustaining injuries. Code Y92.63 is listed in addition to the codes that describe the injuries.
Documentation should clearly state that the incident occurred within the confines of a factory environment, specifying the location if possible (e.g., factory building, factory premises, or industrial yard).
** This code helps to provide a more complete picture of the circumstances surrounding an injury or illness, which can be useful for epidemiological studies, workplace safety analysis, and other purposes.
- Specialties:Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Primary Care
- Place of Service:Office, Inpatient Hospital, Emergency Room - Hospital,Place of Employment - Worksite, Other Place of Service.