2025 ICD-10-CM code Z86.16
Personal history of COVID-19.
This code is used to document a patient's medical history, which can be important for informing future treatment decisions.
In simple words: This code indicates that the patient has a history of having COVID-19, but they are no longer experiencing symptoms.
Personal history of COVID-19. This code is used to document a past diagnosis of COVID-19 when the patient no longer has active symptoms or manifestations of the disease.
Example 1: A patient presents for a routine check-up and mentions they had COVID-19 last year, but have fully recovered. Z86.16 is used to document this past infection., A patient is admitted for surgery. During the pre-operative evaluation, it's revealed they had COVID-19 a few months prior. Z86.16 is used to document this as part of their medical history., A patient comes to the clinic specifically to get an antibody test for COVID-19.The test is positive, indicating past infection, but the patient has no current symptoms. Z86.16 would be used in this case.
Documentation of a past COVID-19 diagnosis, either from a positive test result or clinical diagnosis, and confirmation that the patient is no longer experiencing symptoms.
- Specialties:Any specialty can use this code when appropriate.
- Place of Service:Any place of service.