2025 ICD-10-CM code Z87.82
(Active) Effective Date: N/A Factors influencing health status and contact with health services - Persons with potential health hazards related to family and personal history and certain conditions influencing health status (Z77-Z99) Factors influencing health status and contact with health services (Z00-Z99) Feed
Personal history of other (healed) physical injury and trauma. Conditions classifiable to S00-T88, except traumatic fractures.
This code is used for informational purposes to provide a comprehensive medical history and is generally not linked to specific medical necessity requirements. Medical necessity for any associated current conditions should be documented separately.
This code is used to document a patient's past medical history and is not indicative of current treatment. It is important to code any current conditions or complaints separately.
- Factors influencing health status and contact with health services (Z00-Z99)
- Z87.8 Personal history of other specified conditionsZ87 Personal history of other diseases and conditions
In simple words: This code indicates a past, healed physical injury or trauma, other than broken bones or self-inflicted harm.
Personal history of other (healed) physical injury and trauma. This code excludes traumatic fractures (S00-T88) and personal history of self-harm (Z91.5-).
Example 1: A patient presents for a routine check-up and mentions a past car accident resulting in a healed soft tissue injury to their leg. The injury is no longer causing any problems.Z87.82 would be used to document this past injury., A patient is being evaluated for a new knee pain.During the history intake, they mention a past healed injury to the same knee from a sports injury several years ago. Z87.82 can be used to document this past injury while other codes will be used to document the current knee complaint., A patient with a history of a healed burn injury presents for an unrelated issue. The healed burn is documented using Z87.82.
Documentation should clearly state the type of injury, the date of the injury (if known), and that the injury is healed.Any current symptoms or complaints related to a new or recurrent injury must be coded separately.
** Remember to code also any follow-up examination (Z08-Z09).Code first any follow-up examination after treatment (Z09).
- Specialties:All specialties.
- Place of Service:All places of service.